Monday, October 10, 2011

Autumn Memories

For me Autumn or Fall is the best time of the year.

I remember as a child in England, the return to school in early September with fondness.  After school going to the park in front of the town hall and collecting conkers, Horse Chestnut, pods to break open for the large beown seeds inside, followed by hours of curing them for the big conker battles, and screams of strings as we boys battled with the seeds and smashed our opponents conker with glee.

Then as nights grew longer, in late October, we would make a "Guy" and go to the local store and beg for pennies from customers so we could buy ourselves fireworks and sweets, in preparation for November 5th.

This poem is a poem of the memories of that time.

To read Autumn Memories   CLICK HERE!

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